MS Counseling

Our comprehensive program

KISJ’s Middle School Counseling team is staffed by two full-time counselors.
Our comprehensive program includes:

Direct Student Services are In-person interactions between school counselors and students.

Orientation and Transitions

At the start of the academic year the Middle School Counseling team provides all Middle School students and parents/guardians with a thorough introduction to the Middle School program, scheduling, activities, and support. On a quarterly basis counselors lead a Middle School Orientation for all new students, in collaboration with the Administration and Technology departments. Orientation highlights include a campus tour and Google technology workshops. New students are also offered the opportunity to connect with a current student for additional classroom and transitional support. 

Individual/Group Counseling

In individual or small group settings School Counselors provide planned, short-term and goal/solution focused counseling. School counselors do not provide therapy or long-term counseling in schools. However, school counselors are prepared to recognize and respond to student mental health needs and to assist students and families seeking resources.

Classroom Guidance Lessons

Counselors provide direct classroom guidance instruction, incorporating learning and group activities, that support student development across ASCA domains: academic, career, and social/emotional. Middle School Counselors are directly involved in the design and implementation of the Advisory program.  Advisory is the foundation of social emotional learning at the Middle School. Through Advisory students learn and enhance the five fundamental Social-Emotional competencies – Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship or Social Skills, and Responsible Decision Making. 

Indirect Student Services are provided on behalf of students as a result of the school counselors’ interactions with others including referrals for additional assistance, consultation and collaboration with parents, teachers, other educators and community organizations. 

Teacher Consultations and Partnerships

School Counselors consult and collaborate with teachers on a routine basis for construction, management, and monitoring of academic and social/emotional interventions to ensure comprehensive student support. Throughout the academic year counselors lead Child Protection/Safeguarding trainings and workshops for day and dorm staff. During crisis situations, school counselors are available to support every member of the school community to ensure student safety and well-being.

Parent Presentations and Consultations

Counselors lead parent Dragon Dialogue presentations and workshops, on topics that support student achievement and social-emotional wellbeing, throughout the academic year. Topics include, but are not limited to: Child Protection & Safeguarding, Executive Functioning & Social/Emotional Skill Development, Course Registration & Planning, Middle School Transitions & Supports. Middle School Counselors are available to meet with parents and families upon request. Counselors may initiate parent contact for consultation and home-school collaboration focused on student achievement, health and wellbeing. Counselors also provide student/family support in crisis prevention and intervention. 

If you would like to schedule an appointment with an Middle School Counselor, please contact the Middle School Administrative Office.