All Personal information that Korea International School, Jeju Campus (KISJ) handles is collected, retained, and processed under relevant statues or with consent of each person whose information becomes subject to this Policy. KISJ has established the following privacy policy to protect users’ rights and interests to handle any complaints regarding personal information from users.

Article 1 (Purpose of processing personal information)

KISJ collects and processes personal information for the purpose stated below.

1. Provide academic services

2. Member authentication of academic records management system or admission system users

3. Prevention of unauthorized server access and fraudulent server use

4. Management of academic records, attendance records, and to assist university admission applications, etc.

5. Personal information is  used as it is required by Primary and Secondary Education Act and other regulations


Article 2 (Collect and Retain Personal Information)


All personal information that KISJ handles is collected and processed under relevant statues or with consent of each user. KISJ destroys a user’s personal information after the retention period. In accordance to the Personal Information Protection Act, KISJ’s process is outlined below.


Personal Information KISJ Collects and Retains

Retained by

File Name


Details of Collected Information

Basis of Retention

Retention Period

Admissions Office

Applicant Information

Admissions Review

Consent by information holder (user)

Applicant ID number, photo, personal details (name, gender, nationality, health assessment, resident registration number/alien registration number, address, parent name, occupation of parent, contact number of parent, birth date of parent, nationality of parent, passport copy of parent and student including number, family details), student record, letter of recommendation

5 years after admission review


Student record, current student information, graduates information, transferred students information

Management of student records, Certificate issuance, Processing of admission/withdrawal/transfer

Article 25, Elementary & Secondary Education Act Article 3, Regulations on creation & management of student records

Student ID number, personal details (name, gender, nationality, resident registration number/alien registration number, address, parent name, occupation of parent, contact number of parent, birth date of parent, nationality of parent, passport number, family details), photo, student record.



ES/MS Operation Support Team


Management of business staff personal information, Recruitment examine


Students’ field trip

Consent by information holder (user)

Staff: Staff ID number, name, registration number/alien registration number, address, affiliation, contact number, email address, degree of education, work experience, military service, license, qualifications


Student: Student ID number, personal details (name, gender, nationality, Birth date of student, Passport number, address, parent name, parents’ contact number, parents’ bank account number)

5 years after termination

HS Operation Support Team


Management of business staff personal information, Recruitment examine


Students’ field trip

Consent by information holder (user)

Staff: Staff ID number, name, registration number/alien registration number, address, affiliation, contact number, email address, degree of education, work experience, military service, license, qualifications


Student: Student ID number, personal details (name, gender, nationality, Birth date of student, Passport number, address, parent name, parents’ contact number, parents’ bank account number)

5 years after termination

Administrative Assistants


Management of student, parent contact information

Consent by information holder (user)

Students’ ID number, name, gender, registration number/alien registration number, address, nationality, date of birth, siblings in KIS/Parents’ name, contact number, e-mail address, account information(ES only)

5 years after graduation

Asset Management Team


Management of faculty, staff personal information

Consent by information holder (user)

Staff ID number, name, resident registration number/alien registration number, address, affiliation, contact number, email address, personal information.

After task is done

IT Office

Student/Parent portal member information

Access to student information, academic records, and attendance records by student, parents and staff

Article 23-3 Framework Act on Education

Student ID number, password, member type (student/parent), name, gender, nationality, address, parent name, occupation of parent, contact number of parent, birth of parent, nationality of parent, family details, student records, etc.

After member withdrawal

IT Office

Mail user information

Management of web mail user

Consent by information holder (user)

Name, email address, Staff ID number

After account termination

Accounting Team

Tuition management program

To send Tuition fee invoice,        To manage tuition fee

Consent by information holder (user)

Student resident registration number, ID number, name, gender, address

Parent’s name, phone number, email address

Student ID number, name : 10 years after graduation


Student resident registration number : Until the next January after graduation


Other information :Upon graduation

ES/MS Dorms

Dorm Application and events, activities

Management of student, parent contact info

Consent by information holder

Student ID number, name, gender, address, parent name, contact number of parent, email address.

5 years after termination

HS Dorms

Dorm Application and events, activities

Management of student, parent contact info

Consent by information holder

Student ID number, name, gender, address, parent name, contact number of parent, email address.

5 years after termination

Textbook Library/ Textbook

Library user information

Management of book loan/return

Article 38, Library Act, Consent information holder(user), Article 14, School library promotion act

Barcode number, student name, class, student ID number, contact number, list of book loans, photo, address, email address, gender, date of birth, account number of parents

6 months after graduation/withdrawal

Nurse Office

Student health records

Assessment of student health

Medical form

Management of student health records

Article 9, Regulations on student medical test, Article 14, Guidelines on electronic process & management

Personal details (name, date of birth, gender, name of parent/guardian, address, emergency contacts), health assessment form, medical form, blood type, student health information (previous medical history, current medical issues, medications in use) of student health records

5 years after graduation/withdrawal

Central Control Team/Security

Student information

Management of school safety

Consent by information holder(user)

Student ID number, grade, student name, contact number of student, parent name, parent contact

6 months after graduation/withdrawal


① The purpose of supply and details of information are as follows:


Provide Personal Information to a Third Party

Third Party


Legal Grounds

Name of Personal Information

Details of Information

Schools where a student has transferred, applying colleges

Support student’s transfer/admission and compliance to regulations

Article 25, Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Article 35, Higher Education Act Decree

Student records

Details of personal information

Travel agencies

Reservation for transportation/hotel/

travel insurance

Consent by information holder (user)

Information for booking flights, hotel reservations,travel insurance

Name of student, nationality, gender, passport number,

address, resident registration number, ARC number, name of parents, contact number of parents, copy of passport, photo

JJ Catering

Collection of unpaid meal

Consent by information holder (user)

Contact number

Name of student, contact number for parents

② KISJ handles and retains personal information  only for the purpose specified in Article 1. Also, KISJ does not provide personal information collected and retained thereby, to any third party without user’s consent, except in the following cases:

 1. Where the user specifically consents to provisions of his/her personal information
 2. Where other statute provides expressly
 3. Where it is considered necessary for the interests of the users
 4. Where a user or his/her legal representative is impossible to obtain consent from a user or his/her legal representative because his/her whereabouts are unknown or he/she is unconscious.
 5. Where personal information is provided in a form that makes it impossible to identify a specific person, as necessary for compiling statistics or scientific research

③ When KISJ provides your personal information to a third party, KISJ will inform you of the following facts to obtain consent from you:

 1. The name and contact information of the recipient of personal information (or the name of the corporation or organization, if the recipient is a corporation or organization)
 2. The recipient’s purposes of using personal information and the items of personal information to be provided
 3. The duration during which the personal information will be retained and used by the recipient
 4. The fact that the user has a right to refuse to consent and details of any disadvantages


Article 4 (Matters concerning Outsourced Processing of Personal Information)

① KISJ outsources the processing of a user’s personal information for the following purposes below:


Outsourced Personal Information


Details of Outsourcing

Retention Period


Academic records system

Until the contract expiration of academic records system (all personal information outsourced will be destroyed upon completion of contract period)


Destiny Library system

Until the contract expiration of library management system (all personal information outsourced will be destroyed upon completion of contract period)


Student health management

5 years after graduation of transferring out (all personal information outsourced will be destroyed upon completion of contract period)

MAIA Learning

Post-secondary admission application system

Until the contract expiration of post-secondary admission application system (all personal information outsourced will be destroyed upon completion of contract period)

Hyundai Marine & Fire Insurance



DB Insurance


Until the contract expiration of insurance coverage (all personal information outsourced will be destroyed upon completion of contract period)

JJ Catering

Food Service

Until the contract expiration of food service (all personal information outsourced will be destroyed upon completion of contract period)

Noble Tour

School Bus

Until the contract expiration of school bus service (all personal information outsourced will be destroyed upon completion of contract period)

Elle School Uniform


Until the contract expiration of uniform service (all personal information outsourced will be destroyed upon completion of contract period)


Personal Information for overseas transferring students


Details of Outsourcing


Academic records system


Management of student Information

Maia Learning

Post-secondary admission application system


Student health management


Destiny Library system

② When KISJ contracts outsourced process of personal information, KISJ stipulates compliance with laws and regulations related to personal information protection, prohibition of third party provision of personal information, and burden of liability.


Article 5 (Right and Responsibility of Information Entity and Exercise Method)


① As a user, one can exercise the following rights:

1. Request to browse, modify the personal information

2. Request to rectify and suspend the incorrect information

3. Request to delete


② If any user requested to rectify or delete his/her personal information by request form, we will complete the request and send the notification within 10 days.


Personal Information Handling Departments

File name

Browsing Location

Phone Number

Graduates information

Counseling Office


Applicant information

Admissions Office


Employee information

Business Office/Operation Support Team


Faculty information

Business Office/Operation Support Team/General Affairs Team



Students/Parent Portal

ES Administrative Assistants


MS Administrative Assistants


HS Administrative Assistants


IT Office


Mail user information

IT Office


Student health records

Nurse Office


ES Library user information

ES Library


MS Library user information

MS Library


HS Library user information

HS Library


School bus rider list

ES & MS Operation Support Team


HS Operation Support Team


Student contact information

ES & MS Dorms


HS Dorms


Student/Parent contact information

Accounting Team



Article 6 (Destruction of personal information)


Personal information is destroyed when the purpose has been fulfilled. The procedure of the destruction of personal information, deadline and method is as below.

 1. Procedure: Personal information is moved to a separate database once the purpose has been fulfilled. In accordance with the school policy and other related laws, the information is saved for a certain period of time and destroyed later. All information moved to the database is used for other purposes unless enforced by law.

 2. Deadline: Personal information will be destroyed within 5 days after the personal information is not required due to fulfillment of the purpose, deadline of the possession and etc.

 3. Method: Personal information as electronic files will be destroyed to be irreproducible and the paper type files with personal information will be shredded using the shredder or be incinerated.


Article 7 (Measures to secure safety)


KISJ has taken the following technical and physical measures necessary for ensuring safety, in compliance with Article 29 of the Personal Information Protection Act:

 1. Formulating and implementing internal management plans: KISJ has formulated and implemented internal management plans in accordance with the guidelines for measures for ensuring the safety of personal information;

 2. Minimizing and educating personnel authorized to handle personal information: The number of personnel authorized to handle personal information has been minimized and regular educational programs have been implemented for such personnel;

 3. Restrictions on access to personal information: Access to personal information is controlled by granting, amending, or cancelling the authority to access the database system that processes personal information, and unauthorized external access is controlled by operating firewalls for blocking and preventing invasion and intrusion, while personnel authorized to handle personal information are precluded from accessing the personal information processing system externally via information and communications networks. Furthermore, details on granting, amending, or cancelling authority are recorded, and such records are preserved for at least three years;

 4. Encryption of personal information: Passwords and identification numbers, among each user’s personal information, are encoded for storage and management. Furthermore, additional means, such as encrypting essential data for storage and transmission, are used for security.

 5. Technical measures against hacking: KISJ has installed security programs and updates and inspects the programs to protect personal information from being leaked externally or destroyed by hacking or computer viruses and has installed its systems in an area with restricted access to technically and physically monitor and block external access.

6. Restricting access by unauthorized persons: The space for the physical storage of the personal information system that keeps personal information, is separated from other areas, and a procedure for controlling access to the space, has been established and is implemented.


Article 8 (Privacy Officer/Access Request)


The persons below have been designated by KISJ as officer and manager to protect personal information and to handle any possible disputes regarding personal information.





Contact Information

Shawn Vento

Head of School

Privacy Officer


Jong Mun Back

Business Director

Privacy Manager


Jong Dae Kwon

Team Leader of Operation Support Team

Access request



Article 9 (Amend Privacy Policy)


The current Privacy Policy has been revised and applied on February 19th, 2019.



Article 10 (Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Use for Youtube API Service)


‘Korea International School Jeju’ is using the YouTube API service and complies with the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

YouTube Terms of Service (

Google Privacy Policy (

YouTube API Services Terms of Use (

The collected items are the name of the YouTube channel, the number of subscribers, the number of videos, the number of views, and the video list.

If you do not want access to the Korea International Schoo Jeju’s API, you can turn off the permission at the link below.
