Please enter your login credentials :
*A: Please fill out the Absence Note to let the school know of your child’s All Day / Late Arrival / Early Dismissal / Campus Leave / Multiple Days of Absence.
답: 결석사유서에 학생의 종일 결석 / 늦은 등교 / 이른 하교 / 외출 / 장기 결석을 기재하여 제출해주시기 바랍니다.
*A: Please send a requesting email to the MS Administrative office with the information(1. The school applying for, 2. Teachers asked to fill out recommendations, 3. The way of filling out recommendations, 4. Due dates).
답: 추천서 요청에 필요한 정보(1. 지원 학교, 2. 추천서 작성 필요 교사, 3. 추천서 작성 방법, 4. 작성 기한)를 기재하시어 중등교장실로 이메일 보내주시기 바랍니다.
*A: Please fill out ‘Application form for Issuance of Certificate’ in Parents News.
답: Parents News 게시판의 ‘증명서 발급 신청서’를 작성해주시기 바랍니다.
Korea International School, Jeju Campus is a co-educational boarding and day school that offers remarkable facilities for athletics, academic studies and the arts from Junior-Kindergarten through Grade 12, with a boarding program starting in Grade 6. Our school seeks to provide a diverse school environment in which students will develop intercultural competencies and find exceptional academic leadership growth within a safe, positive learning environment.
We will provide detailed information about the rolling admissions tests for 2024-25 soon.
Students applying to a grade with no seats available will be added to our waitlist.